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Basic Hosting Knowledge

Do you allow Telnet or Shell access?

Do you allow Telnet or Shell access?

As we are running high level security on all our servers, Telnet and Shell access is always disabled and is never allowed for our shared hosting clients.

Please be carefull in even trying to attempt in using either telnet or shell, as the system will block your IP automatically after a number of attempts!

*** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

I uploaded my pages, but still see the default ec2Biz page?

I uploaded my pages, but still see the default ec2Biz page?

There are a few possible answers

  1. The default page is stuck in a cache and you arent seeing the new content yet. Try refreshing your browser a few times. If that doesnt update the page, call it specifically by typing http://www.yourdomain.com/index.html .

  2. The ec2Biz page is called index.html. If your uploaded homepage is called index.htm you need to delete the index.html page.

  3. Check you have uploaded your files to the correct directory. The main website is at the /httpdocs directory.

*** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

Why can't I see my web file?

Why can't I see my web file?

Unlike Windows operating systems, Unix / Linux is CASE SENSITIVE, upper and lowercase letters matter!


my_page.html =/= my_page.HTML
MY_IMAGE.JPG =/= my_image.jpg
my_file.txt =/= My_File.txt

We recommend that you always use lowercase filenames to avoid these types of problems.

*** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

Why can't I see my images?

Why can't I see my images?

  • Double check that the name of your image on the server exactly matches the img src tag.
  • Remember that you must match upper and lowercase letters.
  • Make sure that you have your image in the same directory, and its in the same place that you refer to in the img src tag.
  • If you used DOS FTP or WS_FTP LE, or another tool that has you specify whether a file is text(ASCII) or binary, make sure you upload your images as a binary file (Most current FTP programs have an automatic setting that does this work for you).

*** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

Do you support ASP.NET

Do you support ASP.NET

Sorry, We currently DO NOT support ASP.NET on our shared hosting plan.

*** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

Why my FTP fails to connect?

Why my FTP fails to connect?

  • Your firewall could be blocking port 21, which you need to connect. Remember to enable passive mode in your FTP client as well.
  • Make sure you have the hostname in your welcome email (only the hostname dont add http://,ftp://, www or anything else.).
  • Make sure your username and password match exactly the info in your welcome email (be carefull not to put spaces before or after, all are case-sensitive).
  • Some ftp programs require a path in order to connect. For Plesk accounts your path would be /httpdocs/
  • If you fail to login 5 times, Your IP will be locked, Please try after 24 hours again.

*** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

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*** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.
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