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Are you able to send emails but not receive?

Date Created: 27 Mar, 2008   (16 year(s) ago) Viewed: 2312 Rating: 


Either your E-Mail address setting is wrong, or your domain is out of disk space. You will need to increase the amount of disk space to receive mail again.

Does it say "please enter your username and password for the following server" and you are sure you're using the correct information?

Most of our servers have a 60 checks per hour limit. If you hit this limit in any hour you'll be locked out for the rest of the hour. you will need to click: Tools > Options > General > and disable where it says "check for new messages every xx minutes".

If you do not want to disable it just set it to check less often. keep in mind the more computers you have auto checking or checking the mail the quicker you will hit this limit.
  • If you failed to login 10 times within 60 minutes, Your IP will be locked for security reasons, Please try next hour again.
*** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.
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