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Setup fetch email using Yahoo! Mail

Date Created: 3 Mar, 2016   (8 year(s) ago) Viewed: 3544 Rating: 


Why Should I Use Fetch Mail Instead of an Email Forwarder?

We are committed to improving the stability of services.

Unfortunately, it is very common for mail forwarding to cause blacklisting with many large email providers. This most commonly occurs when large amounts of mail are forwarded and then marked as spam after it has been received in the end user's inbox. This results in our server's sending reputation being penalized since it was the last server to send the mail. Ultimately, our server will be blacklisted with the email provider and it will affect all of other users on the same server.

A solution to this is to disabled mail forwarding altogether. change to using mail fetcher, you can access mail in a other system without having the mail routed through that system's server. This way, you can mark a message as spam without it affecting our email server's reputation.

The following articles explain how to set up mail fetching for other services and are for reference only.

*** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.
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