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Google 7.68 Terabits Per Second Cable

建立日期: 2008年 3月 17日   (16 年前) 閱讀次數: 1748 評價: 


Google 7.68 Terabits Per Second Cable
Google 7.68 Terabits Per Second Cable
Search giant finalizes plan for Pacific fiber being ran.

The recent quakes in Taiwan highlighted a lack of redundancy in the Pacific, where fiber runs have about half the capacity found across the Atlantic. A number of companies are planning to rectify that -- including Verizon, who is working with a number of companies to run an 11,000 mile, five terabits per second (Tbps) cable from the United States (Oregon) directly to mainland China, Taiwan and South Korea.

Google is also laying Pacific fiber as part of a consortium named Unity, formed alongside six international companies. The coalition is building a 6,200 mile, 7.68Tbps capable fiber run from Los Angeles to Chikura, located off the coast near Tokyo. Google today announced they finalized the deal on the $300 million project. According to the press release Trans-pacific bandwidth demand continues to surge:

According to the TeleGeography Global Bandwidth Report, 2007, Trans–Pacific bandwidth demand has grown at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 63.7 percent between 2002 and 2007. It is expected to continue to grow strongly from 2008 to 2013, with total demand for capacity doubling roughly every two years. "The Unity cable system allows the members of the consortium to provide the increased capacity needed as more applications and services migrate online, giving users faster and more reliable connectivity," said Unity spokesperson Jayne Stowell.

It's obviously a nice deal for Google, given the content operator gets access to bandwidth at build cost. NEC Corporation and Tyco Telecommunications will build the fiber run starting immediately, and it should be completed by 2010, assuming that the undersea cable cutting bogeyman leaves them alone.
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