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Eudora 6 For PC Email Tutorial

Date Created: 6 Mar, 2007   (18 year(s) ago) Viewed: 2921 Rating: 


In this tutorial we will learn how to set up Eudora 6 for PC as your email client.

What you will Need:

  • A valid email account, if you haven't created an email account yet please log into your Control Panel and set up an email account.
  • An email client. This tutorial uses Eudora, which is available for PC and MAC.

Eudora is an email package that is free to download from http://www.eudora.com Eudora has three modes -- Sponsored, Paid, and Light. Sponsored mode gives you the full-featured product, but displays ads on part of your screen. The ads are relatively unobtrusive. Paid mode gives you the same thing as Sponsored mode, without the advertisements, but you need to pay for and register it. Light mode is Eudora without the bells and whistles, but also without advertisements.

When you install Eudora it will be in Sponsored mode by default. You can change the mode by choosing 'Payment & Registration' from the help menu.

These instructions assume that you are using Eudora 6.x in Sponsored mode for Windows 98/Me/2000/XP. The configuration might be slightly different for other versions of Eudora.
  • As a convenience to users, we provide information about how to use certain third-party products, but we do not have technical support third-party products. we are not responsible for the functions or reliability of such products.
*** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.


Step 1

When you launch Eudora for the first time, you will be stepped through the New Account Wizard which will allow you to set up Eudora as your default email client. At the first screen, simply click "Next."
Step 1
Click to Enlarge
Step 1

Step 2

Leave the default choice, "Create a brand new email account" selected and click "Next." Enter a name for your email account and click "Next"
Step 2
Click to Enlarge
Step 2

Step 3

Type in your name in the "Your Name" field and click "Next."
Step 3
Click to Enlarge
Step 3

Step 4

The next step will ask you for your email address. This is the emial address that was set up in the Control Panel. click "Next."
Step 4
Click to Enlarge
Step 4

Step 5

The next step will ask you for your LoginName, this is your full email address ie. jsmith@yourdomain.com click "Next."
Step 5
Click to Enlarge
Step 5

Step 6

The next step asks you for your Incoming Mail Server, this is your domain name with mail. in front of it. Select "pop" click "Next."
Step 6
Click to Enlarge
Step 6

Step 7

Enter the "Outgoing Server" name. The outgoing server is the one provided by your ISP. ie if you are an Netvigator customer you outgoing server would be mail.netvigator.com. Make sure the "Allow authentication" checkbox is checked. Then click "Next".
Step 7
Click to Enlarge
Step 7

Step 8

You have now successfully set up Eudora for getting your email. Click "Finished." The wizard will go away and you will be prompted for you Unity password to check your mail.
Step 8
Click to Enlarge
Step 8
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