22 Feb, 2025
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Industry News

  • Twitter


    Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read each others' updates, known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters, displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to other users - known as followers - who have subscribed to them. Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow open access. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or external applications. The service is free over the Internet, but using SMS may incur phone service provider fees.

    Since its creation in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Twitter has gained notability and popularity worldwide. It is sometimes described as the "SMS of the Internet", as it provides the functionality—via its application programming interface (API)—for other desktop and web-based applications to send and receive short text messages, often obscuring the Twitter service itself.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Google 7.68 Terabits Per Second Cable

    Google 7.68 Terabits Per Second Cable

    Search giant finalizes plan for Pacific fiber being ran.

    The recent quakes in Taiwan highlighted a lack of redundancy in the Pacific, where fiber runs have about half the capacity found across the Atlantic. A number of companies are planning to rectify that -- including Verizon, who is working with a number of companies to run an 11,000 mile, five terabits per second (Tbps) cable from the United States (Oregon) directly to mainland China, Taiwan and South Korea.

    Google is also laying Pacific fiber as part of a consortium named Unity, formed alongside six international companies. The coalition is building a 6,200 mile, 7.68Tbps capable fiber run from Los Angeles to Chikura, located off the coast near Tokyo. Google today announced they finalized the deal on the $300 million project. According to the press release Trans-pacific bandwidth demand continues to surge:

    According to the TeleGeography Global Bandwidth Report, 2007, Trans–Pacific bandwidth demand has grown at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 63.7 percent between 2002 and 2007. It is expected to continue to grow strongly from 2008 to 2013, with total demand for capacity doubling roughly every two years. "The Unity cable system allows the members of the consortium to provide the increased capacity needed as more applications and services migrate online, giving users faster and more reliable connectivity," said Unity spokesperson Jayne Stowell.

    It's obviously a nice deal for Google, given the content operator gets access to bandwidth at build cost. NEC Corporation and Tyco Telecommunications will build the fiber run starting immediately, and it should be completed by 2010, assuming that the undersea cable cutting bogeyman leaves them alone.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder 4.2

    Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder 4.2

    Parallels' new release of Plesk Sitebuilder software helps customers with new features.

    Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder 4.2 integrates the Fotolia online micro-priced image marketplace into the software's WYSIWYG editor, allowing users to browse and buy photos directly from the Fotolia gallery without leaving the wizard. The software also includes a new design module featuring SitePal speaking avatar technology by Oddcast. SitePal enables users to deploy animated, talking characters on any website.

    "Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder 4.2 takes website creation to a whole new level with innovative features that are tightly integrated into the software to improve ease of use," said Serguei Beloussov, CEO of Parallels. "The new version of Parallels website creation software demonstrates our commitment to delivering open solutions based on the Parallels Open Platform to help service providers add value to their offerings."

    Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder is a next-generation, scalable website-building application that can be integrated into any business process for hosting providers, ISPs, registrars and telecoms. The software's easy-to-use, five-step wizard and 14 dynamic modules make this software a powerful and flexible solution. It is designed to work with hosting platforms that use the new Application Packaging Standard (APS), such as the Parallels Plesk Control Panel.

    The Parallels Open Platform enables hosting with Parallels virtualization and automation technology through integration with a wide range of third-party applications and systems. The APS Standard (APS), a key element of the platform, is used by ISVs and service providers to seamlessly integrate applications to offer to the more than 10 million businesses and individuals that use Parallels products.

    Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder 4.2 is available now for the Linux/Unix and Windows platforms. It can be downloaded via the Parallels Plesk Application Vault at http://www.parallels.com/en/products/sitebuilder .

    About Parallels - Optimized Computing
    Parallels (formerly SWsoft) is a worldwide leader in virtualization and automation software that optimizes computing for consumers, businesses, and service providers across all major hardware, operating systems, and virtualization platforms. Founded in 1999, Parallels is a fast-growing company with 900 employees in North America, Europe, and Asia.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Plurk


    Plurk is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to send updates (otherwise known as plurks) through short messages or links, which can be up to 140 text characters in length.

    Updates are then shown on the user's home page using a timeline which lists all the updates received in chronological order, and delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them. Users can respond to other users' updates from their timeline through the Plurk.com website, by instant messaging, or by text messaging.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • 如何利用異地備份隬補防毒軟件的不足




    根據美國FBI 2005的研究指出,約84%的公司會受到惡性病毒的攻擊。另外,美國網絡安全協會(Cyber Secure Institute) 的報告指出,企業為了清除各項病毒的花費高達90億美元!無論您為電腦做再好的隔離措施,例如擁有最新的防病毒軟件和頻密的病毒掃描,病毒也可以找到辦法入侵電腦系統然後摧毀公司重要的檔案,例如客戶清單、合約和訂單等等。公司因為數據丟失和內部電腦系統故障影響而到商譽也絕非金錢能隬補。所以,企業要防範數據丟失帶來的災難性影響,單靠病毒掃描軟件並不足夠。


    其實要解決以上問題就要從根本著手,第一步就是要為企業電腦系統設立有效和快速的災難復原方案 (Disaster Recovery Solution),而當中最重要的一環便是為每台電腦作鏡像備份(Image Backup),這樣,當遇到病毒入侵造成數據丟失,企業便可快速地把事先備份好電腦鏡像直接恢復到電腦上,把受到感染或是有故障的電腦復原到正常狀態,確保企業持續運作,儲存於電腦內的業務數據亦能得以保存。

    有資深企業備份經驗的Ahsay 銷售部經理候健生指出:「如何為企業設立有效和快速的災難復原方案是一個很大的課題,大小企業都需要正視。但對中小企來說,由於資源所限,加上公司內未必有專門負責I.T.方面的人員,所以很多中小企都未有實行。其實坊間都有不少能夠提供鏡像備份(Image Backup)的備份軟件,可以滿足基本備份需要。但這些軟件只能夠作本地備份,一旦公司的電腦受到病毒侵襲,用作儲存備份的電腦或伺服器亦可能已經中毒,導致已備份的鏡像無法還原而不能做到災難復原。所以企業應選擇具備異地鏡像備份的備份軟件,才能確保災難復原能發揮功效,因為就算本地公司內所有電腦和伺服器都已經中毒,儲存於異地的鏡像備份數據亦不會受到感染,企業便可快速地把電腦鏡像直接從異地恢復到電腦上,達至災難復原的目的。而Ahsay Backup Software 是市場上少數可以做到異地鏡像備份的企業備份方案。」


    Ahsay Systems Corporation (亞勢系統有限公司) 建基於香港,目前在世界各地已擁有超過2, 900個服務合作夥伴和經銷商,並有超過90萬用戶安裝了Ahsay Backup Software備份軟件。

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.


General Information

  • Money Back Guarantee Policy

    Money Back Guarantee Policy

    The following list of terms and conditions apply to the Money Back Guarantee Program:

    • First 14 Day Money Back Guarantee. Focus Network Company provided money-back guarantee to client during the first 14 calendar days of the Initial term.
    • Accounts cancelled or terminated for violation of the Acceptable Usage Policy will not qualify for the money back guarantee.Example: If a Service is cancelled due to a spamming violation it will not qualify.
    • Service renewed or changed service is not qualify.
    • The special "Account Cancellation Form" must be used during cancellation.
    • The Account Cancellation Form can be found at Cancellation Request.
    • HKD$100 Administrative charge will be charged and not refundable.
    • Value Added Service are non refundable.
    • Domain Registration Fee are non refundable.
    • If you had received a discount on any service on signup then in case of cancellation of a related service within first 14 days will void that discount and you will be charged full fees according to the normal price of that service at the time of signup.
    • Refunds issued by cheque or via PayPal may take up to 30 business days.
    • Focus Network Company not transfer funds from one account to another for any reason.
    • The 14 money back guarantee is for website hosting services only.

    We may modify these terms by updating this posting. By using this website you agree to be bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to determine the then current terms of use to which you are bound.

    You agree that in the event any portion of these website terms of use are found to be unenforceable, the remainder of these website Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force and effect.

    The decision of Focus Network Company shall be final.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • pMachineFree


    pMachine is online publishing's most flexible and creative software.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • PLOG


    Blogging platform built with PHP, designed with maximum customizability, speed and ease of use in mind. (Warning: requires php.ini safe_mode=Off for correct working)

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • PostNuke


    PostNuke is software that creates an impressive, dynamic web site and provides the webmaster with a site they can administer with a minimal amount of HTML knowledge through a web browser.

    But, PostNuke's functionality can be increased by installing modules, blocks and themes. For example, you can add a forum, a gallery and contact form. You can also change how your entire site looks by changing themes. All of this can be done with just a few clicks in the administration panel saving you hours of time, both in the initial creation of the website and in its day to day maintenance.

    PostNuke can do anything from traditional blog websites, to a community members' only website with hundreds of users. PostNuke can scale to thousands of uses but is just as easy to create a small website for friends and family.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • CS-Cart


    CS-Cart shopping cart is a turnkey solution that includes all of the necessary features and functions to build successfully an online web store.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.


Linux Web Hosting

  • Plesk 10 User’s Guide to Web Presence Builder

    Plesk 10 User’s Guide to Web Presence Builder

    Parallels Plesk Panel is the only web hosting control panel with integrated web design, SaaS storefront and billing. Parallels Plesk Panel delivers maximum profits for growing service providers.

    Parallels Plesk Panel is the most complete Web hosting control panel available today. In fact, it’s the only Web hosting panel that includes integrated Web design tools, a SaaS storefront, and fully automated billing and provisioning. Plus it delivers maximum profits for growing service providers; provides key tools for Web designers; and includes an easy-to-use server control panel for IT professionals (and small businesses without IT staff).

    A guide to using the brand new Web Presence Builder.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • PHP - How to define session.save_path

    PHP - How to define session.save_path

    If you can’t modify PHP.INI global configuration file, or just want to make the change affect Joomla! or Mambo application only, you must create or edit the .htaccess file in the installation directory for Joomla! or Mambo, and add the following line:

    php_value session.save_path '/var/www/vhosts/domainname/httpdocs/sessions'

    Change the /sessions to a folder that is writable(chmod 0757) and prefer to be a session saved folder by you which has been created first.

    * Where domainname is your domain name.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • How to use CuteFTP to upload your website

    How to use CuteFTP to upload your website

    CuteFTP is one of the world's most popular programs to use when uploading websites. It's both easy-to-use and powerful. Follow the tutorial below to learn just how easy it is.

    Firstly you will need to install CuteFTP on your computer. If you to not have this program installed I recommend purchasing it.

    FTP Server:
    • ftp.domainname.com (example)

    User Name:
    • ftp_domainnamecom (example)

    • Please see your configuration email

    Host Directory:
    • /httpdocs/ for normal web pages (http)
    • /httpsdocs/ for secure pages (https)

    Home Page File:
    • index.html or index.htm or index.php (lower case)

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • PHP - How to define magic_quotes_gpc

    PHP - How to define magic_quotes_gpc

    You can Enable / Disable magic_quotes_gpc for php in your account by setting this directive in .htaccess in httpdocs folder:

    php_flag magic_quotes_gpc On


    php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off

    The magic_quotes_gpc is a function which automatically escape $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE variables. This cause a lot of (poorly written) PHP scripts out there which blindly rely on magic_quotes_gpc, to be wide open to various SQL/XSS-injections.

    If you run a website that relies on magic_quotes_gpc for escaping user input, we strongly recommend that you disable access to such scripts until a version fixing this bug is released.

    By default magic_quotes_gpc was turned off.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • How do you set a website default page to something other than index.html

    How do you set a website default page to something other than index.html

    Create an .htaccess file in your httpdocs directory, or the directory for which you want to change the default, and add the following line:

    DirectoryIndex filename.html

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.



  • HTML


    short for HyperText Markup Language, is the predominant markup language for the creation of web pages. It provides a means to describe the structure of text-based information in a document — by denoting certain text as headings, paragraphs, lists, and so on — and to supplement that text with interactive forms, embedded images, and other objects. HTML is written in the form of labels (known as tags), created by greater-than signs (>) and less-than signs (<). HTML can also describe, to some degree, the appearance and semantics of a document, and can include embedded scripting language code which can affect the behavior of web browsers and other HTML processors.

    HTML is also often used to refer to content of the MIME type text/html or even more broadly as a generic term for HTML whether in its XML-descended form (such as XHTML 1.0 and later) or its form descended directly from SGML (such as HTML 4.01 and earlier).

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • URL


    A Uniform Resource Locator(URL), is a compact string of characters used to identify or name a resource. The main purpose of this identification is to enable interaction with representations of the resource over a network, typically the World Wide Web, using specific protocols. URIs are defined in schemes defining a specific syntax and associated protocols.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • JPG (File Interchange Format)

    JPG (File Interchange Format)

    JPEG is a commonly used standard method of compression for photographic images. The name JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, the name of the committee who created the standard. The group was organized in 1986, issuing a standard in 1992 which was approved in 1994 as ISO 10918-1. JPEG should not be confused with MPEG, the Moving Picture Experts Group, which produces compression schemes for motion pictures.

    JPEG provides for lossy compression of images (although there are variations on the standard baseline JPEG which are lossless). The file format which employs this compression is commonly also called JPEG; the most common file extension for this format is .jpg, though .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif and .jif are also used.

    JPEG itself specifies both the codec defining how an image is transformed into a stream of bytes, and the file format used to contain that stream. The file format is known as 'JPEG Interchange Format' (Often confused with the JPEG File Interchange Format), and is specified in Annex B of the standard. It is possible for JPEG data to be embedded in other file types, such as TIFF format images.

    JPEG/JFIF is the format most used for storing and transmitting photographs on the World Wide Web. For this application, it is preferred to formats such as GIF, which has a limit of 256 distinct colors that is insufficient for color photographs, and PNG, which produces much larger image files for this type of image. The compression algorithm is not as well suited for line drawings and other textual or iconic graphics, and thus the PNG and GIF formats are preferred for these types of images.

    The MIME media type for JPEG is image/jpeg (defined in RFC 1341).

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Browser


    Browser is a software application that enables a user to display and interact with text, images, and other information typically located on a web page at a website on the World Wide Web or a local area network. Text and images on a web page can contain hyperlinks to other web pages at the same or different website. Web browsers allow a user to quickly and easily access information provided on many web pages at many websites by traversing these links. Web browsers format HTML information for display, so the appearance of a web page may differ between browsers.

    Some of the web browsers available for personal computers include Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Netscape, and Opera in order of descending popularity (as of August 2006). Web browsers are the most commonly used type of HTTP user agent. Although browsers are typically used to access the World Wide Web, they can also be used to access information provided by web servers in private networks or content in file systems.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Download


    download is to receive data from a remote system, such as a HTTP, FTP server, or other similar systems. A download is any file that is offered for downloading or that has been downloaded.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.



  • E-Coupon Manager

    E-Coupon Manager






    1. 點擊主選單的“電子禮券/優惠禮券”

    2. 點擊左選單的“優惠禮券管理”

    • 優惠禮券金額

    • 啟用編號

    • 優惠禮券的最低購物額

    • 優惠禮券的可用次數

    • 每位客戶可用次數

    • 生效開始日期

    • 生效結束日期

    • 可供選購的目錄範圍

    • 優惠禮券主題

    • 優惠禮券說明

    • 寄優惠禮券

    • 編輯

    • 刪除

    • 優惠禮券使用報告

    • 資訊

    • 優惠禮券編輯

    • 寄送優惠禮券給客戶

    • 優惠禮券使用資訊

    • 禮券啟用編號由隨機自動產生,每項禮券的啟用編號將不會重復

    • 禮券的價值若屬金額,則金額的貨幣將根據您商店的“預設貨幣”為基礎

    • 禮券的啟用,必需通過收禮者電郵所附的“啟用編號”,除此以外,並無其他途徑啟用電子禮券

    • 建立後的禮券,若已被顧客使用過,在一般情況下不建議刪除,否則影響日後翻查訂單的資料準確性

    • 若顧客將禮券啟用後,在付款結帳後仍有禮券餘值,那餘值將儲存於顧客帳戶裏供下次購物時再使用

    • 建議禮券的使用規則不應限制過嚴,否則若顧客未有充份了解下使用,將導致無法順利結帳而打消購物的念頭,例如設定禮券的使用“不限購物金額”、“所有產品均適用禮券”等,有助顧客順利購物及享用禮券,從而令顧客感到在您商店購物的樂趣

    • 建立完成的禮券,更可自動送贈給新登記的會員,以助快速吸納更多會員,若需設定,可到達“系統設定”>“新會員優待”>“優惠禮券”進行,但請注意,切勿同時提供多於一種的優待新會員方案

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Start Building Your Storefront

    Start Building Your Storefront




    1. 系統設定
      1. 網站資料

      2. 公司資料

      3. 通知資料

      4. 數位憑証資料
        (如適用) - 憑証發行機構、憑証域名、憑証編碼

    2. 客戶設定
      1. 新會員的預設群組

      2. 新會員優待

      3. 現金積分系統

    3. 商店店面設定
      1. 網站模板選擇

      2. 樣式表選擇

      3. 顯示項目

      4. 邊框設定

    4. 建立產品目錄分類

    5. 加入產品名單
      1. 新增產品欄位

      2. 逐件輸入產品

      3. 大量新增產品
        上載產品CSV檔案、上載經打包壓縮產品圖片 (進階功能,不建議初始設定時使用)

    6. 貨運管理設定
      1. 本地貨運

      2. 海外貨運

    7. 金流收款設定
      1. 信用咭付款閘道

      2. 銀行入帳付款

      3. 郵寄支票付款

    8. 完成初始設定

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Featured Products

    Featured Products




    • 特色產品

    1. 點擊主選單的“分類目錄/產品管理”

    2. 點擊左選單的“特色產品”

    3. 點擊主螢幕的“增加”按鈕

    4. 選擇產品的目錄

    5. 選擇相關產品

    6. 點擊主螢幕的下方的“增加”按鈕

    7. 點擊“特色產品”選擇狀態

    8. 完成後按“儲存”或“更新”,或按“返回”放棄並返回列表

    • 新增產品

    • 編輯

    • 刪除

    • 若挑選的特色產品數量超過該頁面的可顯示數,則每次頁面被刷新系統會隨機選出合符顯示數的特色產品

    • 特色產品的銷售及訂購過程,跟其他一般產品無異,而顧客的訂單和管理區的訂單資料亦跟其他無異

    • 您亦可使用一般的“產品管理”修改“特色產品”狀態

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Purchase Order

    Purchase Order




    1. 點擊主選單的“訂單處理/客戶管理”

    2. 點擊左選單的“購物訂單”

    3. 選擇相關訂單

    • 已記錄的訂單

    • 待完成的訂單

    • 處理訂單

      • 更新狀態

      • 備註

      • 積分

      • 產品寄出日期

      • 產品送貨日期

      • 貨運參考編號

      • 電郵通知訂單更新

      • 短訊通知訂單更新

      • 郵件語言

      • 保留郵件副本

    • 訂單資料

      • 訂購產品資料

      • 訂單基本資料

      • 訂購客戶資料

      • 訂購貨運資料

      • 訂購帳單資料

    • 狀態記錄

      • 新增日期

      • 郵件通知客戶

      • 短訊通知客戶

      • 狀態

      • 備註欄

    • 列印 - 列印這項訂單的收據

    • 顧客

    • 管理員

    • 顧客

    • 編輯

    • 刪除

    • 資訊

    • 系統被記錄的訂單並不表示成功收取貨款,如果您的訂單是透過付款閘道收款,請登入付款閘道供應商的帳戶,並確認款項收妥方可處理產品的付運

    • 請細心核對每項訂單的資料,包括顧客資料、要求的貨運地點、帳單資料等,若有需要,請跟顧客聯絡以確認資料無誤,並且在產品付運前確保已收妥貨款

    • 建議在接到新訂單後,若資料無誤,保留二十四小時後才處理付運,因中途若出現問題也有機會處理

    • 如訂單透過線上付款閘道收款,請比對客戶的IP國家與訂購者國家是否一致,或利用付款閘道供應商的工具檢視國家地區資料,若有懷疑,請參考付款閘道供應商的指引向顧客索取身份証明的文件,以減少網上詐騙帶來的損失

    • 在一般情況下,“待完成的訂單”是顧客在結帳時系統預先記錄該訂單資料,若順利完成線上付款交易,將自動轉為“已記錄的訂單”,但若顧客沒有完成線上付款或過程中出現問題,則訂單型式仍處於“待完成的訂單”,如檢查線上付款無誤,管理員應手動進行確認

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Administer Groups

    Administer Groups



    1. 點擊主選單的“系統管理員”

    2. 點擊左選單的“管理員群組”

    • 管理群組名稱
      簡短的群組名稱,最多32個字元(必需輸入),例如“Top Administrator”

    • 區域和項目選擇

    1. 點擊主螢幕的“增加”按鈕

    2. 輸入簡短的群組名稱

    3. 完成後點擊“增加”按鈕

    4. 在主螢幕點擊剛才建立的群組的“權限設定”

    5. 選擇合適的執行區域

    6. 點擊“儲存”按鈕

    • 切勿刪除我們預先設定的“最高權力”管理員群組,否則在群組限制下,業務擁有者可能無法再進入一些被限制的區域,如不小心刪除而需我們重設這種管理員,需向我們繳付設定費。

    • 除“獨立套裝軟件”及“開發版軟件”外,我們擁有登入您的管理系統任何區域的權力,以便提供技術咨詢和系統升級修正。

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.


Pre-Sale Services

  • Specific refund conditions based on method of payment

    Specific refund conditions based on method of payment

    Cash / Bank Deposit / Cheque:
    We will refund your money back to the account you sent payment from, mail a cheque, or via PayPal. Your PayPal account must be considered "Verified" by PayPal, open, and in good standing with PayPal for us to refund money.

    For orders paid via PayPal we will refund money to your PayPal account only. Your PayPal account must be considered "Verified" by PayPal, open, and in good standing with PayPal for us to refund money.

    Credit Card:
    For security reasons the credit card you use to purchase any of Focus Network Company products must be valid when you request a refund. We cannot refund to a credit card that has expired or been cancelled.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • What are your DNS servers?

    What are your DNS servers?

    Please refer to:

    How to point my existing domain name to "Focus Network Company" server?


    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • How to apply special price for international domain

    How to apply special price for international domain

    We are offering domain name registration for the unbelievable low price.

    This offer is for a limited time only. Act fast while quantities last.

    You must purchase following plan offered on our site at the same time you new register your domain name to qualify.

    • E-Store
    • Linux Web Hosting
    • Website Design & Development

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Newsletter / E-mail Help

    Newsletter / E-mail Help

    As a subscriber of www.ec2biz.com newsletters, you need to add www.ec2biz.com to your address book to continue to receive these emails.

    Please follow the directions at this link: Have you added the www.ec2biz.com addresses to your e-mail address book? for your particular e-mail provider.

    You need to add www.ec2biz.com to your address book:

    Please choose your e-mail provider below for specific instructions on adding www.ec2biz.com to your address book:

    • Open the e-mail.

    • Click "SAVE ADDRESS" at the top of the message header.

    • Click "OK" on the next screen.

    • Open the e-mail.

    • Click "ADD TO ADDRESS BOOK" next to the FROM address.

    • Click "ADD TO ADDRESS BOOK" again.

    Outlook Express
    • Open the e-mail.

    • Right-click on the FROM name.

    • Click ADD TO ADDRESS BOOK in the menu.

    • Click OK on the Properties pop-up.

    Netvigator.com (NETMail)
    • Click "ADD ADDRESS" on the screen of book address.

    • Input a new address to field:

    • Click "SAVE" on the bottom.

    • Click "ADD ADDRESS" on the screen of book address.

    • Input a new address to field:

    • Click "SAVE".

    You may need to contact your email provider to get more information.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Why using free email accounts is bad idea?

    Why using free email accounts is bad idea?

    We recommend that you NOT use an email address from a free service (e.g. Yahoo! or Hotmail) with your account information.

    Instead, please enter a traditional address, such as that from your account, or one issued to you by your ISP (Internet Service Provider).

    This gives us better assurance of being able to contact you should we need to, as well as helping us protect your account and prevent fraud.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.


Domain Names Knowledge

  • How to transfer my existing domain name to "Focus Network Company"?

    How to transfer my existing domain name to "Focus Network Company"?

    When you start using your new hosting account or E-Store with us, it may be quite inconvenient to leave your domain name to be managed by your old host. If you do that you will have to communicate with two different organizations: one will be providing the hosting services or E-Store for your website and the other will be providing domain registration services for your website.

    In order to move your existing domain and manage it together with your "Focus Network Company" hosting account with you just need to order the "Domain Transfer Service".

    Requirements for successful domain name transfer

    • The domain name to be transferred is not in 'Locked' Status.
    • The customer has access to the administrative contact email for the domain.
    • The customer can provide "Focus Network Company" with the domain EPP key code, applying to domains for which there is such a code.
    • There are more than 15 days till the domain name expiration date.
    • The domain name was registered for the first time more than 60 day ago.
    • The domain name has one of the following extensions: .com .net .org .us .biz .info .name.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Who can register a .CN domain name?

    Who can register a .CN domain name?

    Regarding to CNNIC request for document submission.

    For new .CN / .COM.CN / .NET.CN / .ORG.CN / GOV.CN domain registration, only organization application is accepted and below documents are required:

    • Copy of a valid China Business Registration Certificate, and
    • Copy of applicant's China Citizen Identity Card, and
    • Copy of a valid ICP license

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Who can register a .US domain name?

    Who can register a .US domain name?

    Any United States citizen or permanent resident, as well as any business or organization with a bona fide presence in the U.S., can register a .us domain name.

    One of the following eligibility requirements must be met:

    • A natural person (i) who is a citizen or permanent resident of the United States of America or any of its possessions or territories or (ii) whose primary place of domicile is in the United States of America or any of its possessions, or
    • Any entity or organization that is incorporated within one of the fifty (50) United States states, the District of Columbia, or any of the United States possessions or territories or (ii) organized or otherwise constituted under the laws of a state of the United States of America, the District of Columbia, or any of its possessions or territories, or
    • An entity or organization (including federal, state, or local government of the United States, or a political subdivision thereof) that has a bona fide presence in the United States.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • How to point my existing domain name to "Focus Network Company" server?

    How to point my existing domain name to "Focus Network Company" server?

    Using your existing domain name with "Focus Network Company" service is easy! You simply have to point it to your account by replacing your old host DNS settings with our domain name server ones.

    Below are our DNS information:

    • ns1.powersx.com
    • ns2.powersx.com

    In case you do not have access to such a management tool, you need to contact your Domain Registrar to change the DNS settings for you.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Required Documents of Hong Kong Domain Name

    Required Documents of Hong Kong Domain Name

    Domain CategoryEligible Applicant
    Examples of Document
    .hkLocal or overseas individuals or entities
    • (Organization Registration) A copy of the Business Registration Certificate (BR) issued by the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) of HKSARG (NOT registered as a Branch) i.e. name of the organization shall be that of the head office, not branch office, or
    • (Individual Registration) A copy of HKID card or other document proofing that you are a resident of HKSAR.
    .com.hk / .公司.hkCommercial entities registered in HKSAR
    • A copy of the Business Registration Certificate (BR) issued by the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) of HKSARG (NOT registered as a Branch) i.e. name of the organization shall be that of the head office, not branch office, or
    • A copy of the Certificate of Registration of Overseas Company issued by the Company Registry (CR) of HKSARG, or
    • Other documentary proof required for the application of .org.hk, .edu.hk, .net.hk or .gov.hk with a letter stating the reason of selecting .com.hk.
    .org.hk / .組織.hkRegistered or approved not-for-profit organizations in HKSARG
    • A copy of the tax exemption letter issued by Inland Revenue Department (IRD) that shows your organization is a charity or non-profit making organization (under Section 88 or 87), or
    • A copy of the Certificate of a Society issued by Hong Kong Police, or
    • A copy of the proof showing exemption from Registration of a Society issued by Hong Kong Police, or
    • A copy of the Certificate of Registration for trade unions or other unions, or
    • A copy of Certificate of Owners' Corporation under Building Ordinance, or
    • A copy of Registration of a Hospital / Nursing Home (under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance), or
    • A copy of the Certificate of Registration of a Child Care Centre, or
    • Application letter issued by Government Department, or
    • Gazatte / Ordinance mentioned the establishment of your organization together with an application letter issed by your organization if you are a statutory body, or
    • A copy of the Memorandum of Association shows that no dividend per share to shareholders plus copy of the Business Registration Certificate or Certificate of Incoporation, or
    • Other valid document proofing the non-profit making nature of your organization.
    .edu.hk / .教育.hkRegistered schools, tertiary institutions and other approved educational institutions in Hong Kong
    • A copy of the Certificate of a School issed by Education and Manpower Bureau of HKSARG, or
    • A copy of the Ordinance showing that your institute is established by law together with an application letter issued by your institute, or
    • A copy of the Certificate of Registration of a course issued by Education and Manpower Bureau of HKSARG, or
    • A copy of the Certificate of Registration of a Child Care Centre (for Nurseries Running Educare Services or Pre-Primary Curriculum for Children between 2 to 6 years old), or
    • A copy of the Certificate of Education (for Nurseries Running Educare Services or Pre-Primary Curriculum for Children between 2 to 6 years old)
    .net.hk / .網絡.hkEntities managing network infrastructure, machines and services with a license from the Office of Telecommunications Authority of the HKSARG
    • A copy of the PNETS (IVANS / ISP) license issued by the Office of the Telecommunications Authority of the Government HKSAR, or
    • Fixed Telecommunication Network Services (FTNS) / Fixed Carrier License.
    .gov.hk / .政府.hkBureaux or Departments of the HKSARG
    • Subject to the endorsement by the Office of Government Chief Information Officer
    .idv.hk / .個人.hkResidents of HKSAR
    • A copy of HKID card or other document proofing that you are a resident of HKSAR.
      (For the registration of .個人.hk, the domain name you selected shall be your legal name)

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.


Email Tutorial

  • Mozilla Thunderbird for Windows Email Setup Tutorial

    Mozilla Thunderbird for Windows Email Setup Tutorial

    In This tutorial we will learn about using Mozilla Thunderbird as your email client. We will cover setting up a new account and editing an existing account.

    What you will Need:

    • A valid email account, if you haven't created an email account yet please log into your Control Panel and set up an email account.
    • An email client. This tutorial uses Mozilla Thunderbird, which is a free opensource email client.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • What is mail policy and email limits?

    What is mail policy and email limits?

    Mail Limits

    There is an maximum amount of emails which can be send out per hour is 30 emails from one account or 300 emails per domain and 700 emails per day, this limit is also applied "Web Hosting Service", "Towards Mailing Lists" and "Online E-Store System". Focus Network Company reserves the violation of any of the foregoing may result in immediate deactivate or termination upon any indication of such activity without notice.

    Many of our servers have a 60 pop checks per hour limit per email address.? If you go over this you're likely to get a wrong password error message saying login incorrect. Just wait an hour and it will automatically unlock you. to prevent this from happening again make sure to disable auto checking or at least set it to something higher such as 10 minutes.

    Any mailing list larger than 2000 will require a dedicated server solution from us. Note: dividing one large list into smaller lists to get below this limit is not allowed.

    We have a maximum size of emails of 50 MByte and under, any email over 50 MByte will be automatically rejected, please use your FTP to transfer big files!

    Mailing Lists Rules

    1. Anytime you're sending a message no matter how large your e-mail list is you must throttle it.? We recommend you throttle it to at the very least sending 1 email every 6 seconds. If the mailing list software you're using does not allow you to throttle you must switch to something else. We recommend Mailman which can be found in your control panel under PLESK. If you do not throttle and you try sending let's say 1500 emails the server will try sending all 1500 in 1 second which is not possible. This will cause the server load to go very high and for the entire server to be sluggish until this process is completed. It is our job to keep the server up and running without being sluggish. Anyone who causes the servers load to go high will be suspended and the process will be terminated. If you choose not to throttle you will most likely be suspended for crashing the server without notice.

    2. Any mailing list over 100 emails is only allowed to be sent to during off-peak times to prevent high server loads. Off peak times qualify as all day Saturday and Sunday, and 1am - 8 am eastern time M-F.

    3. You are not allowed to mail to a mailing list you were given or purchased. This is spamming because they never agreed to you personally sending them mail. We do not care and how you justify it this is spam and will result in termination of the offending account.

    4. Any unsolicited e-mail being sent will result in termination of the offending account without notice. We take a zero tolerance stance against sending of unsolicited e-mail.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Eudora 6 For PC Email Tutorial

    Eudora 6 For PC Email Tutorial

    In this tutorial we will learn how to set up Eudora 6 for PC as your email client.

    What you will Need:

    • A valid email account, if you haven't created an email account yet please log into your Control Panel and set up an email account.
    • An email client. This tutorial uses Eudora, which is available for PC and MAC.

    Eudora is an email package that is free to download from http://www.eudora.com Eudora has three modes -- Sponsored, Paid, and Light. Sponsored mode gives you the full-featured product, but displays ads on part of your screen. The ads are relatively unobtrusive. Paid mode gives you the same thing as Sponsored mode, without the advertisements, but you need to pay for and register it. Light mode is Eudora without the bells and whistles, but also without advertisements.

    When you install Eudora it will be in Sponsored mode by default. You can change the mode by choosing 'Payment & Registration' from the help menu.

    These instructions assume that you are using Eudora 6.x in Sponsored mode for Windows 98/Me/2000/XP. The configuration might be slightly different for other versions of Eudora.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • How to setup your email account on iPhone & iPad Mobile Device

    How to setup your email account on iPhone & iPad Mobile Device

    Configuring your iPhone device to receive mail from your hosted email accounts is a very easy process.

    This tutorial will give you a simple guide on the steps you need to perform to easily access your domain email accounts on the go with your iPhone device.

    Currently tested devices are:
    • Apple iPhone 3
    • Apple iPhone 3GS
    • Apple iPhone 4
    • Apple iPhone 4S
    • Apple iPhone 5
    • Apple iPhone 5S
    • Apple iPhone 5C
    • Apple iPad
    • Apple iPad2
    • Apple iPad Air
    • Apple iPad mini
    • Apple The New iPad
    • Apple iPod touch
    • Apple iOS 3
    • Apple iOS 4
    • Apple iOS 5
    • Apple iOS 6
    • Apple iOS 7

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Setup fetch email using Google Gmail

    Setup fetch email using Google Gmail

    Why Should I Use Fetch Mail Instead of an Email Forwarder?

    We are committed to improving the stability of services.

    Unfortunately, it is very common for mail forwarding to cause blacklisting with many large email providers. This most commonly occurs when large amounts of mail are forwarded and then marked as spam after it has been received in the end user's inbox. This results in our server's sending reputation being penalized since it was the last server to send the mail. Ultimately, our server will be blacklisted with the email provider and it will affect all of other users on the same server.

    A solution to this is to disabled mail forwarding altogether. change to using mail fetcher, you can access mail in a other system without having the mail routed through that system's server. This way, you can mark a message as spam without it affecting our email server's reputation.

    The instructions below provide steps on how to fetch mail from our server so you can access them via Google Mail.

    Google Mail Fetcher is easy to set up and free to use. It uses POP3 to pull all the contents of an email box into Gmail and then parses the emails for spam. Mail Fetcher can download messages from up to five other email accounts, allowing you to centralize all your email in Gmail.

    Once Mail Fetcher is set up, Google will check those accounts on a regular basis, and new mail will appear automatically in Gmail.

    • Log into your Gmail account.
    • Click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the page and select Settings.
    • Click the Settings and Accounts and Import tab and locate the Check mail from other accounts (using POP3) section.
    • Click Add a POP3 mail account you own. (Note: Google does not allow the use of self-signed SSL certificates, including our shared SSL certificates.)
    • Enter the full email address of the account from which you'd like mail fetched.

    • Click Next Step.
    • In the Username field, enter your full email address.
    • In the Password field, enter the password for the email address you provided.
    • Select Port 110 for a POP3 connection.
    • Click the checkboxes next to the options that best suit your needs:
      • Leave a copy of retrieved messages on the server.
      • Always use a secure connection (SSL) when retrieving mail *
      • Label incoming messages
      • Archive incoming messages
    • Click Add Account.

    • As a convenience to users, we provide information about how to use certain third-party products, but we do not have technical support third-party products. we are not responsible for the functions or reliability of such products.
    • Email Forwarding or Fetch Mail may disclose your secrets.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.


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please contact us immediately!

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